We typically do not accept returns unless there is a valid reason to do so. Valid reasons may include but are not limited to:

  • Defective or damaged products upon receipt
  • Incorrect items received
  • Items that do not meet the specifications as described

To be eligible for a return, you must notify us within 24 hours of receiving your order. After this timeframe, we may not be able to process your return request.

If you believe your purchase qualifies for a return, please contact our team at Our team will guide you through the return process and provide you with the necessary instructions.


We do not offer refunds for any purchases made through our platform. All sales are final.Refunds may be considered in exceptional circumstances and will be granted at the sole discretion of Blanc Traders. Valid reasons for refunds include but are not limited to:

  • Defective or damaged products upon receipt
  • Incorrect items received
  • Items that do not meet the specifications as described

If you believe your purchase qualifies for a refund, please refer to our return policy for instructions on how to proceed. Our customer service team will review your request and notify you of the outcome.


At Blanc Traders, we do not handle shipping directly. It is the responsibility of the customer to arrange for shipping of their orders. However, we are more than happy to recommend reliable shipping services to assist you with your shipping needs.

For international shipments, we kindly request our customers to adhere to the laws and regulations of the destination country. This includes providing all necessary documentation, paying any applicable duties or taxes, and ensuring that the items being shipped comply with local laws.

Please note that shipping times and costs may vary depending on the shipping service selected and the destination. We recommend that you contact the shipping service directly for more information on their services and pricing.